Current offers for personal development:
FREE Online 3-DAY-Workshop (in English) starting not before April 2025, to get in touch with yourself, your inner recurring stumbling blocks and to significantly tape into your own potential a lot more. This class is the basis for a new form of leadership where we become aware of the influence of personal and collective trauma on our lives and work and learn to integrate it and use it as a catalyst into creating a new future. For more information, please click on this link.
Advanced 12-week- transformational Online Course (in English) starting not before May 2025, to get in touch with yourself, your inner recurring stumbling blocks and to significantly tape into your own potential a lot more to eventual fulfill your Life's Mission.This class is the basis for a new form of leadership where we become aware of the influence of personal and collective trauma on our lives and work and learn to integrate it and use it as a catalysator into creating a new future. For more information, please click on this link.
FREE Online 5-DAY-Workshop (in Italian) starting on October 21, 2024, to get in touch with yourself, your inner recurring stumbling blocks and to significantly tape into your own potential a lot more. This class is the basis for a new form of leadership where we become aware of the influence of personal and collective trauma on our lives and work and learn to integrate it and use it as a catalyst into creating a new future. For more information, please click on this link.
Advanced 12-week- transformational Online Course (in Italian) starting in November 2024, to get in touch with yourself, your inner recurring stumbling blocks and to significantly tape into your own potential a lot more to eventual fulfill your Life's Mission.This class is the basis for a new form of leadership where we become aware of the influence of personal and collective trauma on our lives and work and learn to integrate it and use it as a catalysator into creating a new future. For more information, please click on this link.
For Coachings on 1 to 1 basis or for any other kind of inquiries, please contact us (s. contact details).