• You are about to acquire an enterprise and you are not sure whether it fits your business culture. You are aware that a mismatch in cultures results in the risk of significant integration costs which a difficult to even estimate.
  • You are seeking the true purpose of your organisation. You realize that you can not create such purpose but you can only discover it and then align with it.
  • You just bought an enterprise and you realize that the synergies to not materialize themselves as expected.
  • Your restructuring efforts do not appear to be successful. 
  • You experience difficulties in finding a successor for ownership/ top management.
  • You are worried about the  survival of your organisation in the long-term future.


My team and I are experienced in grasping the culture of an organisation and to present it to you analytically and graphically. We present road blocs and the level of development of the organisation to you. We develop with you sustainable solutions to take your organisation to the next level. We take you on a journey to eventually lead your organisation from the future.